It is not an easy task to find out that a person to whom you are attracted is interested in you too. There is not much short cut for that. It is more difficult if a relationship more than a friendship is in mind. However it is possible to a certain extent,  by keeping a sharp watch out, on a few things.


First of all, you would get a positive sign, by observing the way how they constantly look at you.  Keep looking in eyes with a much different facial expression could be considered to be a positive sign of course. Then see the way how they talk to you.  Give attention to the body language.  A lot of chance is there  to get a few signs for you.

If some one  frequently try to talk to you and most often compliment you a lot, that can also be considered to be positive. If she/he seem to be interested in everything that you say, no doubt, they are looking towards a relationship that is something more than just a friendship and they are trying to show it to you. Now it is your turn to step forward.

 If you receive frequent call from some one ( Particularly  from the person whom are you interested in ) means nothing but it is something more than a little friendship  there in their mind too.  


If some one is interested in you,  he/she may ask you a lot of questions about you. I am not talking about that routine questions like how are you and where are you now. You may see them digging in to the matter with an attitude of finding out the details. It is not just because of an eagerness … I think it should be taken as a part of their effort to make out how a safe person you are and how much a chance is there for a successful relationship.

If some one is interested in you, of course you may see them trying to spend  as much time as possible with you. You may also see them trying to keep you as much comfortable as possible…. You may see them frequently show displays of affection. You may see them flirt with you. You can feel a little bit of possessiveness here and there . Approach, presence, talking, touching, flirting and even body language has its own significance on developing a relationship. 


Here only a few significant and visible signs I have mentioned above.   After all, love and relationships are something beyond any words. It is a big topic to discuss.
